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BOC Meeting Agenda - 6/27

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
Tuesday, June 27, 2024 at 5:00 PM
In Person - 1009 Prince Street, Beaufort, SC 29902

Join by Zoom Video Call 
Meeting ID: 811 7422 1671 Passcode: 427874


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Opening Remarks
  2. Roll Call
  3. FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been published, posted, and distributed in compliance with the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act.
  4. Adoption of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. October 2, 2023 - Special Meeting
    2. October 18, 2023 - Regular Meeting
    3. November 15, 2023 - Regular Meeting
    4. November 28, 2023 - Special Meeting
    5. December 6, 2023 - Regular Meeting
    6. December 14, 2023 - Special Meeting
    7. January 3, 2024 - Special Meeting
    8. January 17, 2024 - Regular Meeting
    9. January 31, 2024 - Special Meeting
    10. February 15, 2024 - Special Meeting
  6. Public Comment - Each member of the public may be recognized to speak to the Board of Commissioners and other members of the meeting. Please state your name and address for the record. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.
  7. Executive Director's Report
    1. Status of Capital Improvements
    2. Office Improvements
    3. Banking Upgrades
    4. Community Involvement
    5. Procurement Request for Consideration
  8. Old Business
    1. Approval of Henderson & Pilleteri, LLC 2023 Audit
    2. Tenant Board Seat Vacancy Update
    3. LHRC New Projects & Development
  9. Executive Session
    1. Receipt of Legal Advice Related to Contractual Arrangements with the LHRC - S.C. Code 30-4-70(A)(2).
    2. Receipt of Legal Advice Related to a Potential Claims - S.C. Code 30-4-70(A)(2).
    3. Discussion of Employment of Employees- S.C. Code 30-4-70(A)(1).
  10. Possible Votes as a Result of Executive Session
  11. Questions and Comments
  12. Next Regular Meeting - July 17, 2024, at 5 pm (BHA Conference Room) Adjournment