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July 17 BOC Meeting Agenda

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 5:00 PM
In Person - 1009 Prince Street Beaufort, SC 29902

Join by Zoom Video Call
Meeting ID: 861 8249 7191
Passcode: 343520


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Opening Remarks
  2. Roll Call
  3. FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been published, posted, and distributed in compliance with the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act.
  4. Adoption of Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. February 19, 2024 - Special Meeting
    2. February 22, 2024 - Regular Meeting
    3. March 1, 2024 - Special Meeting
    4. March 20, 2024 - Regular Meeting
    5. May 7, 2024 - Special Meeting
  6. Public Comment - Each member of the public may be recognized to speak to the Board of Commissioners and other members of the meeting. Please state your name and address for the record. Comments are limited to 3 minutes.
  7. Executive Director's Report
    1. Vacancy Report.
  8. Old Business
    1. Tenant Board Seat Vacancy Update.
    2. 1811 Duke Street.
  9. New Business
    1. Approval of 5 Year PHA and Annual PHA Plans.
    2. Development of small site.
  10. Executive Session
    1. Discussion of employment matters - S.C. Code 30-4-70(A)(1).
      1. Receipt of legal advice related to employment of employees and HR investigation.
      2. Discussion of organizational structure and employment of employees.
      3. Discussion of Executive Director's evaluation.
    2. Receipt of Legal Advice Related to Potential Claims - S.C. Code 30-4-70(A)(2).
      1. Claim regarding prescriptive easement involving BHA property.
      2. Discussion of potential legal action involving current tenants.
  11. Possible Votes as a Result of Executive Session
  12. Questions and Comments
  13. Next Regular Meeting - August 21, 2024, at 5pm (BHA Conference Room) Adjournment