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January 18, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Beaufort Housing Authority
1009 Prince Street
P.O. BOX 1104
Beaufort, South Carolina 29901
Phone: 843.525.7059
Fax: 843.525.7090
TDD: 1.800.735.2905

Beaufort Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting - January 18, 2023

Executive Director

  • Angela R. Childers


  • Linda J. Robinson, Vice Chairman
  • Ethan M. James
  • Barbara A. Singleton
  • Marilyn J. Harris
  • John Warley

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. FOIA Compliance - Public notification of this meeting has been published, posted, and distributed in compliance with the South Carolina Freedom of information Act.

  4. Adoption of Agenda

  5. Approval of Minutes
    Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting - November 16, 2022

  6. Proclamations - Commendations - Presentations

  7. Public Comment

  8. Reports From Commissioners

  9. BHA New Business/Action Items
    1. Election of Officers for 2023
    2. Amended Schedule of Maintenance Charges - Resolution No. 01-23
    3. Letter from Auditor
    4. Annual Meeting
    5. Review of Medical Insurance Costs
    6. Magistrates Court

  10. Executive Director Report
    1. Report of Public Housing Operations
      1. Delinquency Report
      2. Evictions
    2. Report of Housing Choice Voucher Operations
      1. Vouchers Under Contract
      2. VASH Vouchers Under Contract
      3. NED Vouchers Under Contract
      4. Family Unification Vouchers
    3. Tax-Exempt Multifamily Bonds
      1. SFAA
      2. VITUS - Hilton Head Gardens
      3. VITUS - Spanish Trace
      4. Banyan - Habersham Creek
      5. BBR Development - Laurel Bay Village
      6. Fitch Irick - Battery Creek Apartments
      7. KCG Development - Warbler Terrace
    4. Report of Resident & Family Services
      1. Donations of Christmas Gifts
      2. Honor Roll Families
      3. Wifi at Yemassee Heights
    5. Report of Accounting and Finance
      1. Credit Card Statements
      2. Financial Statements
    6. General Information
      1. Update City of Beaufort
      2. Update Town of Hilton Head Island
      3. United Way Grant
      4. PIT Count
      5. Regional Housing Trust Fund
      6. Legal RFP
      7. Repositioning 
      8. LHRC
        1. NAMI Homes
        2. NASP Inspection
      9. General Information

  11. Executive Session - Upon returning to open session, the Board may take action on matters discussed in executive session

  12. Actions From the Result of Executive Session

  13. Adjourn

Public Comment Instructions

Members of the public who wish to speak on any item are requested to complete a speaker card for each item they wish to address and present the completed card(s) to the Board Secretary. An opportunity for the public to address the Board on agenda items for which public hearings have not been held will be provided at the time the item is considered.

The Board will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on any non-agendized public interest item during its general public comment period. Testimony shall be limited in content to matters which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. The Board may not take any action nor engage in any discussion on matters presented during this general public comment period.

The purpose of public comment is to allow the public to address the Board and the Board is interested in hearing from members of the public, stakeholders and interested parties. However, speakers are asked to exercise courtesy and consider the rights of other speakers by adhering to the three (3) minute time limit set forth and if possible, refrain from unnecessary repetition in their comments.